Started with an email remarketing strategy

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Started with an email remarketing strategy

Post by Jor8TOuk6KUS »

Which one is likely to get you back to your cart and convert? Remarketing emails should be relevant one-to-one marketing. You need context, and each campaign should be personalized with the customer’s name and product (targeted at content viewed minutes before receiving the email). Additionally, the signature should come from a real person with correct contact details. Five Tips for Effective Email Remarketing Many cart recovery emails perform poorly because they look like regular promotional emails or automated messages.

We’ve created five tips to help you get : Send your email remarketing campaigns within the first C Level Contact List hour after abandonment to keep your brand at the forefront of your customers’ minds. Remember, they are virtually buying from you. Personalize and tailor every remarketing campaign to abandoned shoppers. Address them by name and offer support to help visitors purchase your product or service. They may have left due to a technical error and need help.


Tell your customer when her shopping cart will expire. Make it clear that you will save the product or service and are happy to save it for a specific period of time (e.g. days) before reselling it on the website. Show what items are in your shopping cart to remind abandoned shoppers what they almost bought. Provide clear pictures of your product and back it up with guest reviews in your email.
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